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Brady Hood, Director (Sweet Maddie Stone, Top Boy) - 29/5/2018


Rachael is a very talented writer who has a keen eye for the world around her. I find it vital that a writer has the confidence to open themselves up and tell their own personal stories in order to truly excel. Rachael has reached that stage in her life and it's beautiful to see. She is a very efficient and effective writer who knows the craft well. She can articulate her thoughts clearly and concisely to all the other departments and has an impressive ability to see ahead of the game.


During the preparation stage Rachael noticed that the weather may not be that kind to us and, due to the fact the story relied heavily upon it, smartly wrote an additional scene to combat this. She is a passionate and driven storyteller, yet displays the adaptability to see the film for what it needs to be, regardless of her initial intentions. This for me is a huge testament to her talent and the maturity beyond her years she exhibits as a writer. I look forward to what she writes next and would recommend her highly and without hesitation.

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